Our School

Our state-of-the-art school educates students in fifth through eighth grade. We focus on collaborative learning experiences in the classroom, and we encourage all students to take advantage of our extracurricular activities.

Our staff is dedicated to providing a quality education to all students, and we’re glad you are here.

Our Mission Statement

The mission of Grant Public Schools is to provide a school system that is committed to excellence in teaching and learning for all students.

Jamie Presler

(231) 834-5910

Middle School Principal

Fast Facts

School: Grant Middle School
District: Grant Public Schools
Serving: Grades 5–8
Population: 600
Mascot: Tigers
Colors: Orange and Black Our Curriculum

Our Goals

As we continue to strive for excellence at GMS, every year we set and evaluate school-wide goals to improve academic achievement, community involvement, technology integration, and the building of innovative learning environments. Our students, teachers, and community create these goals to reflect current and projected needs.

Our current goals include:

Restore the Pride
Students from all grade levels take part in upgrading the outdoor spaces around Grant Middle School. Each grade level has adopted a space and is researching creative ways to improve our school on a tight budget. 

Fifth grade is working to find ways to increase "shady" spaces within the playground. A butterfly garden and mural project have inspired the sixth grade class. Seventh grade wants to reimagine our front entrance by promoting Tiger spirit and giving students comfortable waiting areas and bike storage. The eighth grade class desires an outdoor classroom and garden. All grades have committed to using native plants to beautify the property.

Thanks to grant funding from the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative and Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, and our partnership with Frey's Landcare and Comstock Turf, we are looking forward to seeing these dreams become reality. 

If you are interested in helping with this project, please contact us. We will need man-hours, material donations, and additional monies to make this happen. 

Watch for updates on our News page.

School Hours

Office Hours
7:15 a.m.–3:45 p.m.

Instructional Time
8:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

After School Program
3:10–5:00 p.m.

Grant Athletic Complex

GMS serves as the home of the district’s Grant Athletic Complex. Our gymnasium, which includes a walking track, football field, baseball field, and outdoor track area, is used for most district sports activities. As the newest and largest building in the district, we also house the community Fitness Center. We welcome groups from both our own and surrounding communities to take advantage of these amazing facilities. For more information, please contact our district office.